Home DIY Part Two: Board + Batten Wall
Part 2 ... SO crazy right now.
So now that you’re an expert on creating a custom media wall, let’s get you ready and rarin’ to build a board and batten wall, shall we?
The good news is: This is, in many ways, a simpler process and installation than our media wall installation.
The even better news is this: Just like your other creative projects and goals, all you need are the right tools and a little know-how. Then you can make what you see in your mind come to life ... BAM!
> Part 2 - Board + Batten <
Here’s a little teaser for what it will look like:

Photo by Nicole Christine @nicole.christine_
> Y'all ready for this? <
What You Need
Matte Paint (Dutch Boy - Dura Clean)
Caulk Applicator Gun
Lightweight Spackling
Wood Filler
Painters Tape
1 1/2" Finishing or Brad Nails
Wood Shims
Plastic Drop Cloths
Miter Saw
Palm Sander
Sanding Block
Nail Set (to Countersink Nails)
**Read through everything, including all of the tips below, before starting!

Photo by Nicole Christine @nicole.christine_
Here’s How I Did It:
1. I selected my wall and measured just the height & width of the sheetrock (leaving out any trim) and then marked the midpoint
2. I needed (2) 1x4s to span the width of my wall. I cut (4) 1 x 4s to make the top and bottom rails

3. I applied adhesive on all 4 boards and then placed them on the wall, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom, from end to end. They were a nice and snug fit! I then added additional support by using 5 finishing nails per board. I countersank those nails.
4. I measured the dimension between the inside bottom edge of the top rail to the inside top edge of the bottom rail.
5. I cut the remaining 9 boards that length to fit vertically between the top and bottom rails
6. Starting in the middle, I adhered the first board and placed it upright, on center, at the midpoint I had measured in Step 1. I added additional support with finishing nails, being sure to countersink them all.

7. I then decided on my spacing for the remaining upright rails. I measured all the sections and marked for the boards, staying consistent by measuring them on center.
8. One at a time, I then laid each board out, applied adhesive, stuck it to the wall and finished it with nails. *Keep in mind: not all walls are plumb! If a wall is not plumb and/or square, wood shims are a great way to prop the boards to make them hang correctly.

9. Once each rail was up, I then applied wood filler to all of the countersunk holes, knots in the boards, and top joints between the boards. Similarly, I filled all imperfections in the sheetrock with lightweight spackling. Be sure to allow it all to fully dry!
10. Once dry, I used a palm sander on the 1x4s and a sanding block on the sheetrock, making everything nice and smooth. I then wiped the entire wall down with a damp cloth.
11. After the wall was wiped down, I used paintable caulk to seal every vertical and horizontal joint between boards. After applying the caulk I took a finishing tool to get rid of caulk excess and create a clean 90-degree angle. *See more about this in Tip #2 Below!
12. Let this all dry completely. Once dry, I taped off the sides and painted the entire wall. I used a matte finish of a paint color I love and applied two coats.

1. I used Google SketchUp to help with my measurements. This free program has a "divide" tool that makes finding equal sections easy. Using this tool, I was able to plan the entire wall on paper and know the exact measurements before cutting anything.
2. A Caulk Finishing Tool is a MUST. The caulk comes out of the tube in a "bead" and to get a clean look for your Board & Batten you will need to clean each edge and finish it off with a caulk finishing tool. Watch the first 5 mins and 30 seconds of this video.
3. Wood filler is a MUST. 1x4s will have knots and imperfections. To get a clean look you will need to fill all of the imperfections and sand them down creating smooth surfaces.

Photo by Nicole Christine @nicole.christine_
Such a great impact, such a straightforward way to do it! I absolutely LOVE that this element makes my room feel like a perfect fit for me. For a completely different but equally impressive home project, check out part one of this post, where we uncover how we brought this media wall to life!
Keep Creating,
- The Uncommon Team