Make Room
I was 10 when I fell in love with interiors. I remember watching Trading Spaces on repeat and dreaming that one day I would host a show of my own. I would stare at the TV soaking up every bit of design knowledge the designers shared. Genevieve, Candace, Vern… whatever they said, I put away for safekeeping, thinking one day I would use those tips & tricks again. I was fascinated with their ability to sketch & draw, to envision an entire room concept, and to effortlessly bring every element together cohesively. I’d rent books from the library about interiors & imagine what my home would look like one day. Some days, interiors was all I could think about.
As I grew up, that passion for interiors turned into a study and that study turned into a career. A little different than what I first imagined but using the same skills & talents nonetheless. I’ve always dabbled in decor… DIY projects, paint colors, textiles, & props. It was always the STUFF that I loved. It’s what drew me to the industry.
But it wasn’t until recently that the love of stuff turned into the love of simplicity. I love what thoughtful decor can do to a space. It can turn 4 walls into a dwelling where love can live. It can set the tone for others to experience community & fellowship. It can build a foundation of refuge & rest for the weary. It can remind us of life’s biggest blessings and turn our eyes to the things that mean the most to us.
Last summer, I put my house on the market. I had a nudge from God that I needed a new personal & business space. The space I had was beautiful & abundant but too much for just one person. Uncommon had grown out of the current home studio space and was in desperate need of a convenience overhaul. A space that made sense for the work we do every day. And for me, I wanted a personal space where I could use every single room, every single day… no wasted space. So the search began. It was long and discouraging at times. Last year, the market was NUTS. Great for sellers… tough for buyers. I had faith knowing the Lord set aside the perfect home & studio just for me but when and how long was it going to take to find it?
This past March, my realtor & I went to see a house on a whim. It popped up early that morning on my MLS with no home photos but had a description that screamed WINNER! So we went to see it and for me… it was love at first sight (except for the ugly tan walls… but I quickly reminded myself those could be fixed)!! I put an offer in, prayed hard, crossed all my fingers & toes, and then cried. I felt this was the house the Lord had set aside for me and Uncommon but what if I was wrong? What if the sellers went with another buyer? Would I have to go through this process again with another home? I just couldn’t… I loved this home too much. I waited until that Sunday night when the call came… the house was mine! A rush of emotions and happy squeals consumed me! It was MY home!
Monday morning came around and we were in full swing moving forward. Inspection, appraisal, etc. Everything was on track. Unfortunately, the month of March was filled with hoops to jump through & setbacks, not to mention a world pandemic. But on April 2nd, by the grace of God… I closed. Then it was off to the races on cleaning & painting the entire house. Remember those ugly tan walls? Yeah, I said Sayonara! And painted the whole house white. I moved a week later with the help of family and dear friends. Like all moving, It was a total whirlwind.
When the dust settled and all the boxes were unpacked I had this moment of complete clarity… something one can only experience when you’re in the moment.
I had too much stuff. I have always been a “more is more” person but I couldn’t be any longer. The stuff that sat around my new home was just taking up space. It wasn’t thoughtful decor… it was just dust collecting and it had to go. So I channeled my inner Marie Kondo and said, “thank you”.
I put a stake in the ground to decorating and styling this home in a thoughtful & meaningful way. I guess that’s what a 752sqft home will do for you. It pushes you to only keep the MOST important things. It’s a work in progress but I want to MAKE ROOM for more gathering & intentionality. I want to use the most precious decor I have to create a dwelling where love can live. I want to design a space where others can experience blessings through fellowship. This home will be a refuge & a place of rest. A little slice of heaven on earth!

Ooooo, I almost forgot! Along with the amazing home is this gem… Uncommon’s new HQ! So many blessings in one photo I can’t even begin to write about it here. I’ll have to save that for another post! I’ll be posting more photos & content on intentional projects I am working on as we go throughout the year!

What do you need to clean out so you can make room for more? What are you keeping that’s just collecting dust? I hope through these times you find yourself making room for the most important things in your life.
Make room,