Readers' Choice, Volume 4
You asked: How do I find my own personal style?
We LOVE this question! So much, in fact, that we came up with a super fun quiz to help you out. We took some of our own events, prop styling, and rental inventory photos to help give you some visual clues about what you are most drawn to. Then we came up with some ideas for where else you can find more inspiration to help you expand on your own personal style.
> This quiz is only available during the month of August, 2020, so hurry and get in while you can! <

As we wrap up this installment of our Readers’ Choice Series, we wanted to remind you that the “Be Encouraged” blog post is ultimately about YOU! You are always welcome and encouraged to send us your ideas, your burning questions, your heart’s desires, and we will do our best to bring you the content that will best serve you.
Along with that, we wanted to remind you of our previous posts that show you the nitty-gritty of how we do what we do best, in the hope that you will be inspired to do whatever YOU do best. Here are some of our past fan-favorites:
The Uncommon Team