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Meet Katie, The Creative Mind Behind All Things Uncommon!

Ever wondered who is behind all things Uncommon?!

Well you’re in luck, sweet friend! 

Today, we’re sitting down to get to know Miss Katie Driver herself - the founder, lead designer, and creative mind who started The Uncommon Creative Studio, LLC!

Katie Driver smiling in front of tree

Let’s do this!

Katie, what is the bravest thing you've ever done?

The bravest thing I have ever done is start my business at 22. I was that crazy kid who believed the Lord could use anyone for His kingdom - even me! I was a 22-year-old, broke college grad, who lived with her parents and ate their food

(Thanks Mom & Dad! 🙏) 

Let me tell ya, I had no business starting a business … BUT God

These past twelve years have been full of trials and triumphs, and it has been an absolutely wild ride! Throughout this journey, I may not have understood God’s ways, but I have always known His deep love and care for me. I am truly thankful for that brave decision I made all those years ago!

Real quick! This or That?!

Sipping Tea While Reading The Bible or

> Sipping Coffee While Reading The Bible <

What is your favorite story in the bible?

Oof, that's a tough one, but I think my favorite story is in Joshua. As the Israelites were needing to cross the river in the Promised Land, God asked the priests to step into the water. Then, He damned up the river. I often think that God asks us to trust Him by taking the first step in faith, and then we get to see His glory and His power. 

I also love in this story how the Isrealites stacked stones. It’s such a reminder of everything God had done for them, and I think we all need those tangible reminders of what God has done in our own lives. 

This or That?!

Wander In The Desert For 40 Years or

> Face Goliath With Only A Stone + A Slingshot <

What does prayer mean to you?

I had always thought that prayer had to be formal and structured, like there was a right and wrong way to pray. I thought that I was falling short in some ways, but I'm learning that prayer is truly our ongoing conversation with God. It is our way to lean in and learn more about God and His character. 

For me, prayer where I hear God’s voice. 

I enjoy having dedicated God time in the morning, but I am working on spending time with God that doesn't stop when I close my bible. I want to have a continuous conversation with the Lord all day, and prayer is the best avenue for that! 

This or That?!

See Jesus Walk on Water or

> See Jesus Feed 5000 <

What is one way God has shown up in your life recently?

In all honesty, I have been in a season of closed doors. When I talk about closed doors, I’m talking about hearing “NO” when we really want a “YES.” It's the “NOT YET” when we want the “NOW.” 

Ya know, it’s so easy when our lives are being directed through open doors, but when we keep seeing closed doors, it is SO hard! 

These seasons of waiting require every ounce of faith, and sometimes we don't have enough faith of our own. So, we may have to lean on the faith of others. I continue to read God's word and be reminded that He is sovereign and has the very best in store for me. God is for me, He loves me, and He is guiding me ... even with closed doors. 

This or That?!

Have Dinner With Esther or

> Have Dinner With Ruth <

What spiritual gift have you been given?

I have been given the gift of hospitality! 

It's been incredible to sit in the front row and see how God can use the gifts He gives to His kids. I never imagined that God would use one of the hardest, most miserable parts of my story and turn it into the most beautiful testimony. 

For anyone who may be new around here, I suffer from significant dietary needs - IBS, Gastrocolic Reflex, and gluten sensitivity are at the top of that list. I have seen God meet me in the darkness, and He has used those hardships to teach me to bring light to other people's stories. 

It can be hard to describe, but with my gift of hospitality, I can sometimes predict people's needs even before they have them. I can see a gathering or a social setting from a bird's eye view, and I can know the guest's needs, the solutions to exceed those needs, and how I can implement exactly what they need. 

I am committed to using my gifts and talents every day to serve others to make them feel loved - on earth as it is in Heaven. 

This or That?!

Praying In Your Head or

> Praying Out Loud <

So there you have it! Now we all know our delightfully creative, kind, and faithful Katie Driver a little better! 

Want to keep up with Katie and Uncommon?! Follow us on Instagram and Pinterest!

All our love,

The Uncommon Team


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1 Peter 4:10

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