The Uncommon Acts of Kindness 2.0
It has been six whole years since the launch of the Uncommon Acts of Kindness! In that time, we have sent over 60 curated gift boxes, over 100 bonus Christmastime bonus boxes, and hundreds of Uncommon postcards to people YOU know and love. Wowza!
The Uncommon Acts of Kindness has brought us SO much joy over the years, and we are thankful that we’ve gotten to touch so many lives because of it. As we look ahead, though, we know that it is time for The Uncommon Acts of Kindness to take on a new life! We are SO excited for what’s to come.
But! Before we get into what’s next, let’s talk about ...
How The Uncommon Acts of Kindness first came about:
In 2016, I read a book called “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson. Little did I know, the themes in this book would give me a HUGE aha moment, and I’d set in motion one of the things I cherish most in this business.
See, “The Circle Maker” encourages you to pray circles around your biggest dreams and greatest fears. As I read heartwarming story after heartwarming story, it all became clear so quickly - I want to help thousands of people by using my God-given gifts and talents. Impossible as it may seem.
I didn’t quite know how or where or when this would all come together, but I knew that I was onto something meaningful. Lo and behold, within those prayers I circled six years ago, the Uncommon Acts of Kindness was born.

You may be asking - what exactly is this #uncommonactsofkindness thing?! Each month, YOU - our readers, have nominated folks who deserve some encouragement by filling out a quick questionnaire about who they are and what they like. We have then randomly chosen ONE nominee each month for the Uncommon Acts of Kindness box and sent it out! Each box has been a uniquely personalized package, full of the winner's favorite things, and its only purpose is to spread JOY!
We have loved doing this each and every month, and we are excited to pivot into serving in a totally new way (more on that later!)
What The Uncommon Acts of Kindness means to us
I have LOVED every minute of sharing joy and encouragement through the Uncommon Acts of Kindness. I knew that for this project to be successful, God would have to show up and show off. And my goodness, has He done just that and more! The Lord has moved ordinary people to lift up those they love, and He has orchestrated their gift boxes to arrive at the most perfect time for nominees. I couldn't have done that on my own if I had tried. Time and time again, when I received messages from nominators or nominees, the comments were always similar - "The timing couldn't have been better." That's ALL God! It’s all for His glory.
Here are some of the messages I have been truly humbled to read:
From a Nominator: “I was talking with Nora* this morning. First, she's so thankful for thoughtful people like you. Second, yesterday she began the process to file for divorce. It could not have arrived at a better time, Katie.” (*Name has been changed to protect the nominee’s privacy!)
From a Nominee: “I just had to let you know that the Uncommon Acts of Kindness I received yesterday made my day! We had just arrived home from my sweet mother's memorial, and I was a little teary. Your timing was impeccable!”
From a Nominator: “I just have to share that a few years ago I nominated my mom, and although she didn't win the box, she received a beautiful postcard with an encouraging message. She had no idea I submitted her, but she told me all about her postcard and how it made her day. Last summer, my darling mom passed away at the age of 50. We find peace and happiness knowing that she is not sick anymore and is in heaven with Jesus. Well, when she passed away, we received a box of valuables from her desk at work, and I smiled so big when I saw the sweet, encouraging postcard you had sent her. Knowing she kept that at her desk for years and was encouraged made me so happy in a very sad time of my life.”
I'll never truly know the impact this project has made on this side of Heaven, and I don't need to. It has changed me, and I am SO grateful for being able to use my gifts and talents these last six years to encourage others in this way.

I look forward to the next phase of this project as we continue to let the Holy Spirit lead us in sharing joy and encouragement IN PERSON. It's going to be amazing!!
Where The Uncommon Acts of Kindness is headed
Okay friends, from here on out, instead of selecting one winner, we will be able to serve five unique people in a totally new way. Each month, I will carry (5) $5 gift cards with me as I go about my day. From Target to Caribou to job sites, I will keep a keen eye out for anyone who may need or deserve a little encouragement. Inspired by the Lord and his direction, these giveaways will be on-the-spot Uncommon Acts of Kindness, lifting up those around us.
So! Are you as excited as we are?!?
We cannot wait to see the life this next phase of The Uncommon Acts of Kindness takes on! Thank you so much for being with us on this journey and for helping us make the world a kinder, more joyful place.
Keep on Giving,
The Uncommon Team
